Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Latest

Here's my latest effort. Tentatively titled "I'm so adjective I verb nouns." This is a guy that I ran across on Paulista Ave in Sao Paulo. Funnily, I sent the image to a friend of mine in Brazil and she knew the shirt, she and her boyfriend had thought of buying it. She sent me the link to it on ( I theen got a hold of it's designer, Mr. Gauky from the UK, and got permission from him to use the shirt design. He does some pretty interesting stuff, check out his site Let me know what you think of the piece.


sandi said...

Love the glasses and the whispy hair on this guy, great design!-Sandi

ps.talked to your dad, and he said he can make the boards for me.

alyx said...

i like this one a lot! very chuck close with the wispy hair.